Empowering Local Producers

Our Farming Roots

Montana Co-Op, located in Ronan, Montana, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a platform for local farmers and producers to sell their fresh and organic goods directly to the community.

Founded in 2012, Montana Co-Op started with a vision of promoting local agriculture and fostering a sustainable food ecosystem in Mission & Flathead valleys.

Over the years, Montana Co-Op has served the residents of Mission & Flathead valleys, offering a wide range of fresh and organic products to support healthy eating habits in the region.

Our Core Values

Guiding Principles that Shape Our Work


We prioritize sustainability by supporting local agriculture, reducing food miles, and promoting environmentally-friendly practices.

Community Support

We believe in the power of community engagement and support, fostering relationships and a sense of belonging for all.

Healthy Living

We are committed to promoting healthy eating habits and providing access to fresh, organic, and nutritious products for all.

Join Us Today

Become a part of the Montana Co-Op community and experience the benefits of fresh, locally sourced produce.

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